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Crossword Puzzle(십자말 풀이) 날씨 영어 단어 맞추기

by 일상생활 정보 2023. 7. 8.

날씨 영어 단어 맞추기 Crossword Puzzle(십자말 풀이)에 도전해 보세요. 15개의 날씨에 대한 특징을 영어로 설명하고 있습니다. 영어설명을 보고 정답을 맞혀보세요. 혼자 해도 좋지만 10~12세 초등학생인 아이들과 함께 Crossword Puzzle 게임을 즐겨보세요. 원어민 음성 파일을 저장해서 들으면서 문제를 풀어보는 것도 좋은 방법일 수 있습니다.



날씨 Crossword Puzzle(십자말 풀이) 문제 그림
[날씨 Crossword Puzzle(십자말 풀이) 문제]


날씨 Crossword Puzzle(문제).pdf

날씨 영어 단어 Crossword Puzzle(십자말 풀이) 가로 문제

1. The air gently moves around, like a soft whisper, creating a pleasant wind that makes your hair sway and brings a refreshing feeling.

3. The air feels thick and heavy, like being in a steamy bathroom, making you sweaty and sticky.

4. The air becomes thick and misty, making it hard to see things that are far away, like a thick cloud hugging the ground. 10. The air feels very warm, like standing close to a fireplace, and you might need a cold drink or shade to cool down.

11. The air feels very chilly, like holding an ice cube, and you might need a warm coat and gloves to stay comfortable.

13. The air is moving around a lot, making things like leaves and flags flap and creating a cool breeze.

14. The air feels warm and damp, like stepping into a steamy bathroom after a shower, making you feel a bit sticky.

15. The air has a fine spray of tiny droplets, making it look like walking through a light, cool shower.


날씨 영어 단어 Crossword Puzzle(십자말 풀이) 세로 문제

2. Water falls from the sky, making everything wet and creating a sound like gentle tapping on windows.

5. The sky becomes dull and gray, like a thick blanket covering the sunlight, making everything a little darker.

6. The sky is covered with fluffy, white or gray shapes that look like cotton candy or fluffy pillows.

7. The sky gets very dark, and there are loud sounds like thunder and bright lights like fireworks.

8. The sky sends down tiny, cold crystals that cover the ground, making it look like a magical white blanket.

9. The sky is bright, and a big, yellow ball in the sky gives us light and warmth.

10. The air becomes a bit blurry, like looking through a foggy window, making it difficult to see things clearly in the distance.

12. Everything becomes very still and quiet, like holding your breath, and there is no movement in the air.



날씨 영어 단어 Corssword Puzzle(십자말 풀이) 정답 힌트

Breezy • Calm • Cloudy • Cold • Foggy • Hazy • Hot • Humid • Misty • Muggy • Overcast • Rainy • Snowy • Stormy • Sunny • Windy


Crossword Puzzle(날씨-정답 ).pdf